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Is blogging dead? Is it worth it to blog? Is blogging still relevant in 2022? These are questions I imagine you asking when you look at your screen. And most days, I would say yes to the latter.

Despite the many negative connotations attached to the word “blogging,” there is no denying that the format remains a viable option for businesses and individuals

In fact, there are now many different platforms and tools available that it is easy for anyone to start a blog and share their thoughts and ideas with the world.

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Whether you are a small business looking for an effective way to communicate with customers or an individual who wants to share your thoughts and experiences with the world, creating blog posts can be a great way to get your message out there. So whether you are considering starting a blog or continuing to use one you already have, there is no reason not to give it a try or to quit. The blogging medium still provides many valuable benefits for users.

I believe in the power of a passionate voice and want to encourage and empower those who feel like they want to try content creation via blogging.

This post will explore the pros and cons of blogging, best practices, and whether or not it is still a viable option for businesses and individuals. We also will explore why blogging is still alive and well and how you can take advantage of it. But first, we need to address all of the changes that have led to where we are today.

What’s changed in the blogging world?

There was a time when we were younger we had so much time, and all we needed was a good idea that would make us money. Blogging came highly recommended. 

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That’s how some of us started blogging. I started my blog because I liked writing and thought it was the easiest way to make money. Little did I know that my life would soon change from free time to being absorbed by social media platforms, content marketing, constant posts, likes, and shares. 

So, gone were the days when you could run a profitable blog just with a few posts yearly! Gone are the days you could easily make money by doing nothing on your blog! So what really changed? Why are bloggers facing hard times now?

      The most obvious reason is that the amount of content on the internet has exploded compared to what there once was. Now there is blog content that covers almost any subject

Now, there are several types of blogs, including but not limited to personal blogs, business blogs, tech blogs, wellness blogs, food blogs, fashion blogs, parenting blogs, and travel blogs. These blogs carry different content formats like listicles, how-tos and tutorials, case studies, resource lists, and long-form posts.

Therefore there are blogs to ANSWER almost any question you have. Whether you’re looking for advice on a specific topic or need someone to bounce ideas off, there’s a blog out there that can help. This can be a good thing, as it gives people access to a wealth of information, but it creates challenges for beginner bloggers because it becomes complicated to find an unexplored niche. However, if you want to be successful with blogging, you still need to find a unique niche and focus your efforts there!

All this shows the blogging world continues to grow. This growth is clearly because of the rise of social media and the popularity of blogs as an information source. In addition, professional bloggers are using new technologies to create and share their content, helping to keep blogging popular.

Stay with me because we will talk about who should be using blogs.

Should Business Owners Blog?

Blogs have also become more of a marketing tool now than ever before, specifically inbound marketing. If you’re not familiar with inbound marketing, the fundamental idea is that people find you because you provide some insightful information or valuable data that they need. It is the opposite of outbound marketing, where you shout from billboards and hope that people will come across your service or find your website.

Inbound marketing works. If you’re a lawyer looking for new clients, and you blog about ten ways to avoid getting sued, people who are searching for those terms will find your page. If you’re a mother who blogs about things you wish you knew about putting your kids to sleep, you’re going to attract mothers. If you have a travel blog and blogging about destinations and sharing your personal experiences on the road, other travelers will find you.

Imagine the number of resources people search for nowadays.

As earlier mentioned, there’s usually a blog for every search term that helps INTERNET USERS find more information about IMPORTANT THINGS, data, or resources they need.

That’s most likely how you found this article! Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has made it so that your blog has a direct link to how people will find your content! So, if you’re a business owner, there’s no reason not to blog unless none of your clients uses the internet.

However, it’s not as simple as just starting up a blog and hoping for the best. To be successful with blogging, you’ll need to have a strategy in place and ensure that you’re using the right tools to help you achieve your goals.

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As a business owner, you should start by thinking about what your blog is going to be about:

  • Are you going to focus on your products or services only? 
  • Are you going to write about the latest trends in your industry? 
  • Or will you cover a specific topic that’s important to your business? 

Once you know what your blog will be about, it’s time to figure out how you’re going to promote it. One of the best ways to PROMOTE your blog is to create a blog tour. Invite a few bloggers to write about your blog in a positive light, this will help boost your blog and get people talking about it. You can also use social media or video content on a YouTube channel to promote your blog.

For any business, owner blogging isn’t dead; it just requires a bit of effort to be successful.

Should you start a personal blog?

In my opinion, blogs are a FANTASTIC way to express yourself. They are the long-form medium that allows us to take a breath and journal our thoughts. 

Blogging is also a fantastic way to connect with different people and build lasting relationships. So sure, START A BLOG! There is something that only you know that will benefit someone else!

As I said, people are reading blogs for various reasons, including to learn more about a topic, to get information that they can’t find anywhere else, to be entertained, to be inspired, to get practical advice, to connect with other bloggers, and more.

Put yourself out there, let the world hear what you have to say, and you never know what might come out of it. All dreams are valid, and that includes yours!

How to stand out in the blog world (best practices)

So how do you make yourself stand out in a sea full of other bloggers?

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to stand out will vary depending on the niche and the blog in question. 

However, a summary of my top tips include:

  • Be yourself 
  • Be creative and original.
  • Be active on social media.
  • Be responsive to comments and questions.

Be yourself.

In this era where social media has altered people’s personalities, finding yourself can be tricky.

 But, as speaker Tim Ferriss says, “The most important thing is to be yourself. And if you can be yourself and you’re good at it, then you can be a successful person.” So, whether you’re a blogger or not, try to stick to being yourself, and you’ll be fine. 

Trust me; readers can detect when someone isn’t being genuine. People can notice your ideas’ passion or lack of it, from your voice when you write your blogs to the content topics you choose. 

Try to write about content that matters to you because then you’ll leave your footprints in people’s hearts. Whether you’re just blogging to document your experiences or trying to gain new clients, people want to connect with the authentic you and your thoughts.

Be creative and original.

Creativity and originality are often thought of as synonyms, but they’re not always the same thing. Creativity is about coming up with new ideas, whereas originality involves taking ideas and making them your own.

There’s a lot of debate over what makes something original, but generally speaking, it means that the idea or concept is unique. It isn’t always easy to achieve, and sometimes it can be hard to know when something is genuinely original. But if you want to be considered creative and original, you need to be willing to take risks and experiment.

It would be best if you allowed your imagination to run wild when you’re being creative. You should also be open to new ideas, don’t be afraid to try new things, and focus on creating something that has never been done before.

It might mean coming up with a new concept, developing an innovative solution, or creating something visually striking. People will appreciate it if you can find ways to be creative and original in your work.

Your blog then becomes more exciting and engaging for your readers, increasing blog traffic and visibility.

Be active on social media.

Social media is a powerful tool for both seasoned and new bloggers rather than all content creators. By using social media, bloggers can connect with their target audience and share their content in an interactive and engaging way. This helps keep readers interested in what you have to say, which can help drive traffic to your blog and increase your reach.

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That said, for some bloggers, it may be more important to maintain a personal connection with their readers through social media than to produce content that is shareable or searchable.

However, other bloggers may feel that they are not getting the same level of engagement from social media that they are from their blog readers.

Therefore, to be PRECISE, there are many different ways to drive traffic to your blog, increase your reach, and monetize your blog. You can use, for example, Google Adsense, Facebook Advertising, Twitter Advertising, and Linkedin Advertising. You can also use paid content, such as guest posts, ebooks, and courses.

Each method has its benefits and drawbacks, so choosing the right one for your blog and content is essential.

Respond to comments and questions

Responsiveness means being available to answer questions and engaging with readers. It also means being quick to respond to comments, even if you don’t have the time to answer them all. It is essential because it shows that you care about your readers and are interested in hearing their thoughts.

Bloggers who are responsive to comments and questions are seen as friendly and approachable. It makes it easier for readers already on your email list or otherwise to connect with you and trust you, leading to them recommending your blog to others. It also helps build trust and credibility with your readers, which can help drive traffic to your blog and increase your reach.

Pros of Blogging

Blogging has several advantages. Below are our favorites.

Establish yourself as an expert in your field.

What does it means to establish yourself as an expert in your field?

There is no one answer to this question, as it largely depends on the individual and their goals.

However, some things that could help establish oneself as an expert in one’s field include writing articles for publications that specialize in that topic, writing about issues that are relevant to readers, and providing them with valuable information.

Building an audience of followers who trust and respect what you have to say is critical – through quality and relevant content.

Reach a wider audience.

There are many benefits to reaching a wider audience through blogging, including increased brand awareness, increased web traffic, and more. Whether you are a small business looking to increase online visibility or a large corporation looking to expand your reach online, blogging can be a powerful tool.

When someone reaches a broader audience, they can communicate their message to a wider group of people and potentially increase their sales whether they are an online business or not. 

Generate leads and traffic.

One of the essential benefits of blogging is generating leads and traffic.

What are leads and traffic?

Leads and traffic are two different things.

Leads are people who have contacted you or want to reach out to you because of something you wrote on your blog. Traffic is the number of visitors to your blog from different sources.

When someone reads something you wrote and decides to contact you, it is a lead. When someone visits your blog and finds out about your product or service, that is traffic.

How can you generate leads and traffic from your blog?

There are several ways you can generate leads and traffic from your blog. You can write articles relevant to your target audience’s needs. You can also write about popular topics or compelling content with graphics that will catch people’s attention. 

This way, you quickly build your brand and generate publicity for your company.

Generate leads and convert them into customers.

Leads are people who have not yet made a purchase but may be interested in doing so. Convert them into customers by providing valuable information and engaging with them. You can make them purchase something that they would not have otherwise purchased by doing this. 

Increase brand awareness.

Brand awareness is the level of awareness a brand has amongst consumers. It can be measured in various ways, but generally speaking, a higher level of brand awareness means that a brand is more recognizable and more popular. 
Blogging can help increase brand awareness and help generate leads and traffic. Creating a well-written blog and promoting it through social media can help attract new customers and followers. Over time, your brand becomes memorable and more visible to potential customers. 

Improve SEO.

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website for search engines. It involves placing essential keywords in the right places and ensuring that your blog post is easy to find on the web. You quickly help your website rank higher on the search engine results pages (SERPs) by improving SEO.

This will increase the number of people who find your website and potentially convert them into customers. If you’re interested in turning your website into a customer-focused platform, then blogging may be the way to go. 

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Connect with customers and followers.

When you connect with customers and followers, you create a relationship. You become their advocate, and they are your advocates in return. So when they have questions or concerns, they can turn to you for answers.

Additionally, by following and engaging with customers on your blog, you can create a sense of community around your brand. This can help build loyalty and encourage people to shop with you even when you’re not selling anything meaningful!

Cons of Blogging

Here are some disadvantages of blogging.

It takes time and effort to maintain. 

It takes a lot of time and effort to succeed as a blogger. You can’t simply post articles for the fun of it and hope for the best. You have to create exciting and valuable content regularly.

You have to spend time researching topics; without that, it can be challenging to create informative blogs and keep them updated. 

This is not easy if you have other responsibilities and commitments or do not have any efficient content management systems in place. 


It can be expensive if you hire someone to write for you.

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If you don’t have time to write articles, it’s unlikely that people will visit your blog regularly. The days of a blogger writing a few articles a year and then retiring are over. It will help if you write articles and post new content regularly.

While many bloggers are self-employed and write for their blogs, many bloggers hire ghostwriters to write for them. 

A ghostwriter is a professional writer hired to write a piece or a book for someone else. The fee that a blogger pays for a ghostwriter depends on the quality of the ghostwriter’s work and where they found them.

In short, if you want to put out articles regularly but have other commitments, you might find it necessary to hire a ghostwriter to write for you. A good ghostwriter can cost you between $20 and $10,000 per article. That means that it will cost you a lot of money to have well-written regular blog posts.

Luckily, several services like Fiverr can help you find great writers who can cheaply and consistently help you with your projects.


Fiverr is a great place to get help from someone who knows what they are doing and has a lot of experience writing for a particular audience without breaking the bank.


Competition is fierce.

There’s no doubt that competition is fierce when it comes to blogging. It can be hard to stand out from the crowd with so many blogs out there. But there are ways to make your blog more successful and get more people reading it.

Try writing about topics of interest to your readers and interacting with them. If you can keep your blog fresh and exciting, you’ll also have a good chance of staying afloat in the blogging world. 

Also, note if your blog is not well-organized or does not have a good design, it will have a hard time competing with better-designed blogs with better content.

Requires ongoing engagement and participation

Engagement refers to the level of interaction that a person has with a product or service. In the context of blogging, it means that you need to keep your readers engaged for them to continue reading your blog.

This can be done by providing them with exciting content and providing them with opportunities to participate in your blog actively. For example, allow them to contribute their thoughts and ideas on your blog comment section, invite them to join your group or social media community if you have, or give them freebies or access to your restricted resources like courses.

It can be challenging to measure ROI.

Assuming you have a well-designed blog and provide exciting content, it can be challenging to measure the ROI of blogging. One common question in this context is, are you getting value for the time you are spending on your blog, or is it just another waste of time? Some of the other factors to consider when accessing your  ROI include the number of visitors you receive and the amount of money you earn.

Beware it takes months to monetize your blog, so it isn’t easy to track the exact impact on your business when you start. If you want to make money from your blog, you need to create a plan and stick to it. The good thing is it may take some time, but if you stay dedicated to your blog, the results will be impressive.

It can be time-consuming.

Blogging can be time-consuming, especially if you want to create high-quality content and attract visitors to your blog.

No doubt, If you were not genuinely interested in blogging or did not start it for the right reasons, it may be easier to leave your blog and let it run on autopilot. 


While the blogosphere continues to change, it’s essential not to get discouraged. I think that the future of blogging is still strong. Yes, it’s more competitive to create a blog now than it used to be, but that means that the “now” bloggers need unique voices and insights to continue growing their blog audience.

Ultimately, blogging is one of the most significant ways to publicize yourself or your business in a shareable and scalable way. A look at an income report of one blogger will undoubtedly confirm that there’s a lot of money that you can make by blogging. 

The bottom line is it is not going anywhere any time soon. The popularity of blogging may have changed; it doesn’t, however, mean that creating great content is useless—quite the contrary.

I hope you feel motivated to start your first blog or continue your blogging journey. Aren’t you? I Would love to see your comment down below.

Related Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the best platform to start my blog?

Though there are many different mediums or platforms, some common ones are WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, and Tumblr.

How long should my blogs be?

Though the median length of blogs is about 2100 words, the top articles online show that the most read articles are in the 1500 word range. However, it’s about bringing value to your readers. Don’t worry about words and SEO; get writing and connecting authentically.

Are blogs better than other marketing channels? 

It depends on your content and target your audience! I would say that blogs work in harmony with your other marketing channels. When you post a blog, you can share that on your social media channels; and also you can turn it into video content!

Suddenly, that idea you wrote a blog about is on all of your other social channels in different forms, working in harmony to help you grow your digital presence.

How do bloggers monetize their blogs?

There are many ways bloggers monetize their blogs. Some bloggers may sell advertising space on their blogs, while others offer paid subscriptions or a simple online course. You can also sell physical or digital products on your blog. 

Using affiliate links or simply affiliate marketing is also a great way to monetize your blog. Affiliate marketing is when you earn money by promoting other people’s products. When you sign up for an affiliate marketing program, the affiliate company will provide you with a unique link that you can use to promote their products. If a customer clicks on the link and purchases the product, you will earn a commission without the customer incurring extra charges. 

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